Saturday, October 3, 2009

Self sufficiency

I've decided lately that I need to learn the trades of a self-sufficient human. So I am on a mission to learn new...well rather old actually...techniques to enhance my skillset.

For my first task, I am learning to quilt. I am quilting blankets for my boys (John Deere for Aayush and Cars for Rishabh) for Christmas. I thought it would be a cheaper option before I went to the fabric store. Upon leaving the fabric store, I discovered it is not a cheap option, but they will be really nice and last a long time.

I'm also going to learn knitting from my friend Jen so I can make some beanies for Christmas too. Pretty ambitous tasks for me, but I am determined to learn.

I'm suddenly interested in lost trades I suppose. And I want my boys to understand that there is a world that isn't all fast food, credit cards, and factory-made items. I want them to know how to be self-sufficient and not expect everything to just be there in a store to take home with the swipe of a card.

So I'll post pics when I finally finish the quilts, and I'm sure the beanies will be hilarious since I'm 100% clueless on knitting. It will all be an adventure.

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