Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The throne

Rishabh, at only 23 months, has graced our porcelain throne with not only business #1 one but also business #2. I am so incredibly excited, as I've been buying diapers for 4 years. Aayush did #2 just after he turned 2, which I was very happy about. I don't know anyone who wouldn't rather a pee diaper over a poo diaper any day. It took him until about 2 1/2 before he would potty regularly in the toilet and then had to master the potty technique moving from sitting to standing (I taught him that too you know....Yashveer was away at training in Denver.)

So I consider Rishabh's goal to use the toilet as his Christmas gift to me. He never even moved on to size 4 diapers. I can move him on to any left over pull-ups I might have stashed (must keep as they cost twice as much as diapers!)

I have been blessed, and I am such a proud mama.

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