Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I declare that I will not spend another Fall term in Financial Aid. [period emphasized]

I have learned so much as the Director of Financial Aid, but oh have I suffered. My family suffers every day I work 9 or 10 hours with no additional pay. They suffer with my constant mood swings because of drama and chaos. I don't want to be this person, and I'm harshly reminded again of this person because the fall term is so intense.

What will I do? Well I have no idea. There are no jobs in Coos County to speak of that would allow us to continue to pay our bills. I don't know where to even start. I love our home here and the area. We don't want to move. If the economy didn't suck so bad, I'd try and find a position that offers a work from home potential. Who knew Obama would ruin that opportunity for me. Turned down an interview with a guarantee agency for a remote position earlier this year for fear of losing my job....which was obviously a good decision.

So again I am declaring that I will not drag my family through another fall term. That gives me a year to figure it out.

Let's see what the future holds...

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